There are two different types of images. They are bit-mapped, and vector. Bit-mapped means the image is made up of very small dots. The larger you make the bit-mapped image, the worse the quality gets. Vector images, however, do not lose quality if you enlarge it. Unlike bit-mapped, vector images are based off of points and mathematical equations.
File sharing means transferring files over the internet to one another. There are a lot of programs and websites that allow you to do this. One way you can file share is through a P2P network. A P2P network means peer to peer. It allows one peon to send another person a file (depending on the size). P2P allows for a fast and easy way to share files, however, it is also considered very illegal. I learned about many cases where someone used an illegal p2p sharing site and was caught, resulting in heavy fines and even jail.
As I said before, I also learned about image optimization. I learned what is the appropriate size for images to be put on the web. If an image is too large of a file, it can cause someone to have to wait long time to upload an image. Optimizing an image means you are compressing it, making it smaller. However, compressing too much can cause factors.
For example, here are two images:
The first image is 38.75KB, while the second image is 14.42KB .
LM5 Vocab:
Image Optimization - Process of image slicing and resolution reduction
Digital Imaging - the creation of digital images (compressing, processing, displaying, etc)
Bit-Mapped Image - image made up of small dots valued zero to one
Vector Image - image made up of geometrical points, lines, curves, and shapes
P2P - Peer-to-Peer
LM5 Vocab:
Image Optimization - Process of image slicing and resolution reduction
Digital Imaging - the creation of digital images (compressing, processing, displaying, etc)
Bit-Mapped Image - image made up of small dots valued zero to one
Vector Image - image made up of geometrical points, lines, curves, and shapes
P2P - Peer-to-Peer
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